本系校友一向在公職領域表現傑出,除了在司法領域中有擔任觀護人的專業發展傳統,眾多系友在觀護領域表現傑出,擔任少年保護官與少年調查官,為因應立法院100年三讀立法通過,司法院新設少年及家事法院與引進家事調查官制度,因此,對心理與輔導背景專業人才的需求大量增加,考選部因此配合研議,在司法人員特考增設,新增「家事調查官」、「心理測驗員」及「心理輔導員」等類科,對後二者而言更是心理學相關領域第一次設立的公務員特考。考選部已公告兩類考試的應考資格及考試科目草案,三者都屬於三等特考,相當於高考三級,「家事調查官」起薪約5萬元,「心理測驗員」及「心理輔導員」任用起薪近4萬5000元,「家事調查官」的報告雖無科系限制,但考科最接近本系專長領域,而「心理測驗員」及「心理輔導員」的報考資格則為心理、社會、社會工作、教育、輔導或其他與心理測驗或輔導業務相關系、組、所畢業得有證書者,本系正是培養上述專長領域的系所,學生在司法領域的生涯發展前途更加多元與寬廣。其他公職領域還包括:公職社工師、公職心理師、公職社會行政、公職人事行政等,自110學年起本校與本系將開設公職增能學程,預計陸續開設:一般行政、教育行政、人事行政與社會行政等,有志從事公職者,彰師輔諮是你的有利選擇。Reason 19: The Rising Status of Guidance and Counseling in Public Employment Field
Our alumni always have remarkable performance in public employment field. Many alumni have done a great job in the probational world. Not only being probation officer because of our custom in judiciary-related professionals choosing, but also being juvenile probation officer and juvenile investigation officer. In 2011, Family Proceedings Act completed the Third Reading in the Legislative Yuan. And the act made Judicial Yuan set up Juvenile and Family Court and bring in the Family Affair Investigator system. Based on the fact, the need of Guidance and Counseling profession increased by leaps and bounds. Ministry of Examination then decided to add Family Affair Investigator, Psychology Technologist and Psychology Counselor three new examination categories in Special Examination for Judicial Personnel. The second one and the latter one are the first psychology-related examination categories in Special Civil Service Examination. Ministry of Examination declared eligibility requirements and draft of examination subjects. In the declaration, the three examination categories are involved in Grade Three Special Examination equaling to Senior Civil Service Examination (level 3). The starting salary of family affair investigator is about 50,000. Psychology technologist’s and psychology counselor’s are about 45,000. The eligibility requirements about education of family affair investigator is not limited to any department, but our professional skills are the ones which relate the needed ability the most. Plus, Psychology technologist and psychology counselor need those who at least have certificate of degree of bachelor of departments that relate to psychology test or guidance practice, such as Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Education, Guidance, etc. And our department is teaching all these professions. Out students then can have better and more advantages to choose career than others in the judicial field. Apart from the above, our students can also choose to be senior social worker, counseling psychologist, social administration, personnel administration, etc. In 2021, the school and we started to offer some civil-service-related Enrichment Program. It is expected that General administration, Education administration, Personnel administration and Social administration could be offered in succession. The Rising Status of Guidance and Counseling in Public Employment Field, GC, NCUE, your best choice.