
彰師大輔諮系是華人世界第一個成立的心理輔導科系,也是亞洲地區最重要的輔導諮商本土化學術重鎮,創建了華人世界最大的心理學網站-台灣心理諮商資訊網(包含超過40個網站的網站群)與最大的生涯輔導網站-華人生涯網, 彰師大輔諮系鼓勵生涯的發展要為自己做決定,因此大幅提供個人申請入學名額及繁星推薦名額,給為自己做決定的人。若您對心理專業有興趣對助人工作有熱誠對教育工作有抱負對服務社會有使命,無論是申請入學、繁星推薦與考試分發,歡迎您選擇最重視生涯發展的彰師大輔諮系。

Reason 8: Best Choice for Helping Profession Career
GC, NCUE, is first-established department of guidance and counseling in Chinese world, and the most important academic place for Indigenous Counseling Psychology. So, we set up the largest nets about Psychology and Career Guidance & Counseling in Chinese world. Taiwan Counseling Net, which contains more than 40 websites, and Chinese Career Net are the both. Our main point of career choosing is that you need to make decisions by yourself under any circumstances. In this case, we provide a huge quota of individual application and Multi-Star Project for those who understand what they want and choose GC, NCUE on their own. If you the one who is interested in Psychology, who has stronger passion on helping professionals, who has burning ambition in educational works, who is on a mission to serve the society, you should come. Best Choice for Helping Profession Career, GC, NCUE, Your Best Choice.