
彰師大輔諮系擁有全國最美麗的獨立系館,為心理科系所少見,本系強調美感的教學環境,系館二樓環境佈置優雅的系辦公室、走道、第二會議室與陽光走廊上擁有美麗兩面鐘的咖啡閱讀區,更以鄉村雜貨傢飾風格呈現溫馨的居家氛圍號稱薰衣草森林彰化分店,不但各班有自己的教室,本系之教學設備豐富,可支援各種實務與實習課程,除有各種空間大小之一般教室之外,更設有特殊功能之「演講廳」、「視聽教室」、「蔣建白紀念圖書室」、「心理測驗室」、「電腦教室」。還有全國最大的諮商教學中心 (內設個別諮商室六間、全覽式個別諮商觀察室一間、個別諮商督導控制室一間、團體諮商室三間、全覽式團體諮商觀察室一間、團體諮商督導控制室一間、婚姻與家庭治療室一間、婚姻與家族治療督導控制室一間)與全國最大的表達性治療教學中心(內設遊戲治療室、沙盤治療室、藝術治療室、團體工作室與控制室),教學設備不只台灣第一,更是世界頂尖。更有彰化師大學生心理諮商與輔導中心社區心理諮商與潛能發展中心(彰化師大社區心理諮商所)為教學合作與實習單位,猶如擁有醫學中心級的實習醫院。無論是申請入學、繁星推薦或考試分發您當然要選擇彰師大輔諮系。

Reason 2: Gorgeous Surroundings & Top Equipment
Different from other psychology departments, we have our own department building. We put emphasis on comfortable teaching and learning environment. In this case, our department office, corridors, and meeting room II are built and decorated elegantly, much more the reading & coffee corner with exquisite two-sided clock in the sunlight-shined corridors. We received much praise from these and a heartwarming atmosphere we create with some country style decorations. In addition to the beautiful and home-like surroundings, the equipment is also on which we make big point. With the idea, practice courses and internship are all well-provided in GC, NCUE. Every class has its own classroom and they are different-sized according to their needs. Every specific function is used by a variety of classrooms, such as lecture hall, audiovisual classroom, Jiang Jian Bai Memorial Hall, physiological testing room and computer classroom. In Taiwan, we have the biggest Counseling Teaching Center (6 individual counseling rooms, 1 observation room for individual counseling, 1 conference room for individual counseling, 3 group counseling rooms, 1 observation room for group counseling, 1 conference room for group counseling, 1 marriage and family therapy room, 1 conference room for marriage and family therapy) as well as Expressive Arts Therapy Teaching Center (play therapy room, sandplay therapy room, art therapy room, group room, conference room). We also cooperate with Student Psychological Counseling & Guidance Center and Community Counseling & Human Development Service Center to help our students learning and finishing internship. Gorgeous Surroundings & Top Equipment, GC, NCUE, Your Best Choice.